
The Jocotoco lodges are a world away, blending perfectly with forests expanses as far as the eye can see.  A bird watcher’s paradise, with hundreds of endemic birds, you’ll want to keep your camera ready at all times.  Choose from their five lodges to find the getaway that’s right for you.

Wake up to visiting toucans, tanagers, and hummingbirds visiting the lodge as you have your morning coffee. In the afternoon, hike to a lek of umbrellas birds to see at this evolutionary marvel or await the arrival of the secretive jocotoco antpitta, for which the organization was named.

Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco is an Ecuadorian non-governmental organization (NGO) working to protect areas of critical importance for the conservation of Ecuador’s most threatened birds and other species. The foundation manages a network of 13 reserves totaling 21,000 hectares (approximately 51,000 acres). The reserves protect more than 900 species of birds, of which more than 50 are threatened or almost threatened with extinction on a global scale, and more than 100 species are regional endemics (species of restricted geographic distribution).











Jocotoco operates five lodges situated inside their reserves for easy access to trails: Casa Simpson, Chocó Lodge, Copalinga Lodge, Umbrellabird Lodge, and Urraca Lodge.

Casa Simpson


At an alitude of 2, 500 meters, Casa Simpson has an impressive view of the Cerro Tapichalaca, on the eastern slope of the Andes. It has a large network of trails that wind through the high Andean forests, home to many beautiful birds, and a spectacular diversity of orchids (Orchidaceae).

Built with local materials, the lodge is rustic, but comfortable. It has 7 rooms and 1 private cabin, each with a private bathroom.  There is a spacious restaurant, with bar and cozy place to relax around the fireplace. The lodge can accommodate 15 people comfortably.

Casa Simpson is the only lodge in the world where you can see the extraordinary Jocotoco Antpitta. It will be an unforgettable and unrivalled experience!

Room with Private Bath

Single occupancy: USD 160 per night

Double occupancy: USD 280 per night

Triple occupancy: USD 395 per night

Rates include full board.  Guides can be arranged for an additional fee.

A USD 5 per person per night as  fee will be added as a contribution to conservation projects.

Copalinga lodge


Copalinga lodge offers peace, privacy, and comfort in the natural setting and highly biodiverse environment. It is the perfect spot for nature lovers who appreciate a respite from the noise of modern society – no trains, air traffic, music bar not even a swimming pool or television.

Here, guests fully enjoy the songs of birds, the dripping of the rain on the leaves, the powerful sound of the river Bombuscaro, the near-touch with hummingbirds chasing each other, the spectacle of colorful tanagers, the silent flight of the marvelous butterflies, the powerful aroma of the Maxillaria splendens orchid, the greenness of the forest in order to have you leaving with an unforgettable experience and wanting to come back!

The lodge has a 8 cabins, built from beautiful local wood, which can accommodate singles, couples, and families.  The standard cabins have private bathroom, hot shower and deck. The two rustic cabins have shared bathrooms and hot showers. 

Standard Cabin With Full Bed, Private Balcony, and Private Bath

Single occupancy: USD 160 per night

Double occupancy: USD 280 per night

Rates include full board.  Guides can be arranged for an additional fee.

Max occupancy is two people

Standard Cabin With Twin Beds. Private Balcony, and Private Bath

Single occupancy: USD 160 per night

Double occupancy: USD 280 per night

Rates include full board.  Guides can be arranged for an additional fee.

Max occupancy is two people

Family Cabin With Full Size Bed, Bunk Bed and Private Bath

Single occupancy: USD 160 per night

Double occupancy: USD 280 per night

Rates include full board.  Guides can be arranged for an additional fee.

Max occupancy is four people

Rustic Two-Room Cabin With Full Size Bed, 3 Bunk Beds, and Shared Bath

Single occupancy: USD 160 per night

Double occupancy: USD 280 per night

Rates include full board.  Guides can be arranged for an additional fee.

Max occupancy is four people

Chocó Lodge canande


This ecological hotel is located in the Tropical Rainforest of the Chocó region, one of the most important forests for biodiversity in the world. The surrounding Canandé Reserve protects 37 threatened species of birds (many of them are globally threatened or vulnerable). Here, you’ll have a chance to see the extremely rare Northern Pavón, which is facing extinction in Ecuador.

Noteworthy bird species in this reserve are, amongst others: Plumbeous Forest-falcon, Baudo Guan, Rose-faced Parrot, Great Green Macaw, Banded Ground-cuckoo, Black-tipped Cotinga, Long-wattled Umbrellabird, Scarlet-brested Dacnis, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Emerald, Gray-and-gold and Scarlet-and-White Tanagers.

The lodge has 4 comfortable rooms, each with a private bathroom.  There’s a spacious restaurant, with a bar and a cozy place to relax around the fireplace. The lodge can accommodate 15 people comfortably.

Room with Private Bath

Single occupancy: USD 140 per night

Double occupancy: USD 232 per night

Triple occupancy: USD 330 per night

Rates include full board.  Guides can be arranged for an additional fee.

A USD 5 per person per night fee will be added as a contribution to conservation projects.

UmbrellaBird Lodge


Named for the the umbrella birds found near the lodge, the Umbrellabird Lodge is an ideal jumping off point for exploring the forests of Ecuador. The lodge is located in the lower part of the Foundation’s Buenaventura Reserve, 500 m high, and easily accessible.  It has five comfortable cabins, which can accommodate up to 14 people.  There’s a separate lodge with a restaurant, pub, and lounge to compare notes after a day of hiking the four trails around the reserves.

Noteworthy bird species in this reserve are, amongst others: Gray-backed Hawk, Rufous-headed Chachalaca, El Oro Parakeet, Pacific Royal Flycatcher, Pacific Tuftedcheek, Ecuadorian Tapaculo, Long-wattled Umbrellabird, Club-winged Manakin, Golden-winged Manakin, and Ochraceous Attila.

Cabin and Private Bath

Single occupancy: USD 160 per night

Double occupancy: USD 280 per night

Triple occupancy: USD 395 per night

Rates include full board.  Guides can be arranged for an additional fee.

A USD 5 per person per night fee will be added as a contribution to conservation projects.

Urraca Lodge


Urraca Lodge is located in the Jorupe Reserve, near the border between Ecuador and Peru at 500 m above sea level. The lodge is specially designed to harmonize with its wooded surroundings.  The flora and fauna can be seen from its bright rooms overlooking giant kapok trees (or ceiba). In the midst of this dry forest is a large number of  threatened species, such as the Henna-hooded foliage collector.

The Jorupe Reserve is home to 190 species of birds, including almost every endemic species of the Tumbesian dry forests found in Ecuador. These endemic species include 15 globally threatened species. Jorupe is also an excellent place to observe the King Vulture.

The lodge has 6 comfortable cabins, each with a private bathroom, which can accomodate a total of 12 people

Cabin and Private Bath

Single occupancy: USD 160 per night

Double occupancy: USD 280 per night

Rates include full board.  Guides can be arranged for an additional fee.

A USD 5 per person per night fee will be added as a contribution to conservation projects.

tour packages


Explore everything the region has to offer with these package tours. The most complete itineraries to find, discover and photograph the spectacular beauty of Ecuador. These tours support restoration and protection of the forests and species that call them home.




Go island hopping in the Galapagos aboard the Angelito Yacht.  Begin your tour on the island of Baltra, then continue to Sombrero Chino, Genovesa, Santa Cruz, and Española before returning to Baltra for your trip home.

USD ********

This trip follows hits the highlights along the first 40 miles of the pioneer birding project Ecoroute called “El paseo del quinde” (the hummingbird promenade). Your guides take you along an old secondary road that joins a string of extremely good birding areas and reserves, including Yanacocha Reserve, Tandayapa pass, and Bellavista Reserve – all famous for the endemism level and a great diversity of hummingbirds (over 40 possible species).

USD *****

This all-inclusive trip offers a bonus day of birdwatching to our Yanacocha Birding excursion.  You will follow the hummingbird promenade on the first day, stopping along the way at all the same highlights.

You’ll overnight in the Lower Tandayapa Valley – THE place for hummingbirds.  In the morning you’ll start enjoying the best feeders in the world, with up to 20 species in an hour, and often 10 species at the feeders at once.

USD *****

Take in the highlights of our reserves in the south with this all-inclusive birding trip. After landing in Quito, we’ll first visit Podocarpus National Park looking for Antpittas. We then visit our Tapichalaca Reserve, where you can find Chestnut-naped Antpitta, Orange-banded Flycatcher, White-throated Quail-dove, White-capped Tanagers.  


As we head toward our Jorupe Reserve, we’ll bird along the way, stopping for Tumbesian endemics such as Blackish-headed Spinetail, Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner, Slaty Becard, Loja Tyranulet, Watkins Antpitta and Western Peruvian Screech Owl.  Our next stop at will be the Buenaventura Reserve to see the El Oro Parakeet, the El Oro Tapaculo, and the Long-wattled Umbrellabird, along with many other species.  Lastly, we visit our Yanacohca Reserve and enjoy stunning views of Pichincha volcano as we look for Hooded Mountain tanager, Blue and black Tanager, Sword-billed Hummingbird, and Golden-breasted Puffleg in the Elfin forest.

USD ***** 

With so many endemic birds in Ecuador, it’s hard to pick the most iconic, so we’ve sampled a variety of raptors, antpittas, hummingbirds, flycatchers, woodpeckers, and umbrellas birds.  You’ll begin the tour at our Yanacohca Reserve and enjoy stunning views of Pichincha volcano as we look for Hooded Mountain tanager, Blue and black Tanager, Sword-billed Hummingbird, and Golden-breasted Puffleg in the Elfin forest. We’ll then visit Antisana to see the Andean Condor, Black-faced Ibis, and Ecuadorian Hillstar, along with waterfowl along the river.


We then visit our Tapichalaca Reserve, where you can find Chestnut-naped Antpitta, Orange-banded Flycatcher, White-throated Quail-dove, White-capped Tanagers.  From there, it’s on to As we head toward our Jorupe Reserve, to find Tumbesian endemics such as Blackish-headed Spinetail, Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner, Slaty Becard, Loja Tyranulet, Watkins Antpitta and Western Peruvian Screech Owl.  Our last stop will be the Buenaventura Reserve to see the El Oro Parakeet, the El Oro Tapaculo, and the Long-wattled Umbrellabird, along with many other species. 

USD ***** 

Endemics await as we head to the Northern Ecuador. We’ll start at our Yanacohca Reserve and enjoy stunning views of Pichincha volcano as we look for Hooded Mountain tanager, Blue and black Tanager, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Golden-breasted Puffleg, and other species in the Elfin forest.


Next we head to the famous antpitta reserve near Mindo to see Giant, Moustached, and Yellow-breasted Antpittas.  We’ll also have a chance to spot Velvet-purple Coronet, Empress Brilliant, and Orange-breasted Fruiteater.


On our way to the Rio Canandé Reserve, we’ll stop at the Mindo Cloudforest Foundation Reserve, one of the best birding sites in Ecuador. Over a dozen Chocó endemics have been recorded here, though the highlight for many visitors is the lek of Club-winged Manakins.  The highlights in the Canandé Reserve include the Banded Ground-cuckoo and the rare and local Golden-chested Tanager, along with many other bird species. 


We’ll do some more birding before heading to the remote village of Playa de Oro, about  2 hours by motorized canoe. It is as remote as you can get into the Ecuadorian Chocó. Sadly, it is also one of the last parts of truly pristine Chocó rainforest left in Ecuador. Canoe rides, rustic accommodation, local food, local guides and hikes into remote forest will give you a real “expedition” experience.

USD ***** 


  1. Passport: To enter Ecuador, you will need a passport valid for 6 months after the date of entry.
  2. Visas: Ecuador is an easy country to enter. Most people do not require a visa prior to visit Ecuador for a stay of up to 90 days. Nonetheless, citizens (passport holders) from certain countries must obtain a visa to visit Ecuador. To see a list of visa requirements by country, click here.
  3. Health Insurance Documents: Be sure to bring your insurance card and copies of any travel insurance polices you purchase for the trip.
  4. Travel Advisories: It’s also a good idea to check any travel advisories issued for Ecuador by visiting the U.S. Department of State website.

When travelling abroad, be sure you are up to date on routine vaccinations. Additional vaccines may also be required based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing. Check with your healthcare provider at least one month prior to departure to ensure you have all the recommended vaccinations and medications for travel to Ecuador.

Also check the CDC website for the up-to-date advice on health precautions. You may be required to get vaccinated for hepatitis A, typhoid, and  yellow-fever when travelling to certain parts of the country.

The electrical sockets used in Ecuador are type A and type B. These are 2 variants of the same socket – one grounded (with an earth pin) and the other ungrounded – the same as the U.S.

Ecuador runs on 120-volt currents. Be sure to check your devices to see if you also need a voltage converter.

Since you will be spending time outdoors, it’s important to be prepared with everything you might need, from sun protection to personal items.  Our packing list for Ecuador typically includes:

  • Alarm Clock
  • Backpack
  • Bathing Suit
  • Batteries
  • Binoculars
  • Books
  • Camera
  • Chargers (camera, Phone, computer, iPad)
  • Computer or iPad
  • Currency – have some local currency for tips, sundries, souvenirs
  • Ear plugs
  • Ear phones
  • Electrical Adapter
  • Field Pants 
  • First Aid Kit
  • Flashlight or Headlamp
  • Glasses or Contact Lenses
  • Hairdryer
  • Insect Repellent
  • Long Sleeve Shirt
  • Hat with Brim
  • Hiking Shoes
  • Pens
  • Phone
  • Over-The-Counter Medications (aspirin, anti-diarrhea, ibuprofen, motion sickness)
  • Prescription Medications
  • Rain Jacket
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Travel Journal
  • Water Bottle

Be sure you have an international plan with your phone service provider so you don’t rack-up unexpected charges for phone calls, emails, and text messages.

You may also want to install a VPN on your mobile devices, i-pad, and computer so you still have access to your favorite websites, like Netflix and HBO.  Of course, you can always download some shows to binge watch on the plane or at the lodge.


Casa Simpson is within our Tapichalaca Reserve.


Driving Directions:

Directions from Loja: From the city of Loja take the main road south, which leads to the city of Zumba and the Peruvian border. This road was recently improved and is in good condition. This road travels through the towns of Malacatos , Vilcabamba, Yangana, and Valladolid.


The Tapichalaca Reserve is located between the towns of Yangana and Valladolid, after crossing the continental divide in the Cordillera de Sabanilla and passing through a narrow corner of Podocarpus National Park.


Approximately 10 kilometers after this pass, you will see the first signs that announce that you are leaving Parque Nacional Podocarpus and entering Reserva Tapichalaca, as you cross a small river called “Quebrada de los Muertos” (named after a person died here in a plane crash in the 1950s).


Another 10 kilometers ahead, passing through the reserve, you will see a sign and a monument on the right, called the “Cruz de Soldado.” Continuing another ½ kilometer, a sign on the right announces the Reserva Tapichalaca and the Ecolodge, called Casa de Simpson, in honor of a very important benefactor of the foundation.

Driving Directions:

The Chocó Lodge is located within the Rio Canandé Reserve, roughly 5 driving hours from Quito. Take the Quito-Calacalí-Pedro Vicente Maldonado-La Independencia road. In Pedro Vicente Maldonado, take a secondary road towards Golondrinas, passing by La Celica. At Golondrinas, take a dirty road to La Te settlement and take a detour to Zapallo; then turn right towards the Canandé River, to a place known as Puerto Nuevo. Here, you will need to cross the river in a barge owned by Botrosa Timber Company (you will need a signed permission from Jocotoco Foundation’s office in Quito to get into the barge of Puerto Nuevo). The Reserve is 45 minutes further, on the road to Hoja Blanca. Road signs of Jocotoco Foundation will be found two km before getting to Agua Blanca.

The Copalinga Lodge is located within our Copalinga Reserve.


Driving Directions:

From the terminal of Zamora take the road to the roundabout of “La Chapetona” and go through the detour to the Podocarpus National Park. Copalinga is located at kilometer 3 of this highway.

The Umbrellabird Lodge is located within our Buenaventura Reserve.


Driving Directions:

From Machala: The reserve is about an hour and a half by car. To visit Buenaventura you must take the road that leads to Piñas. Passing the city of Saracay, you will find a sign for Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco and the Selva Alegre Spa, take the left-side road, and continue for approximately 5 kilometers until you reach the entrance to the reserve.


From Piñas: Take the road that leads to Saracay and Machala. At approximately 15 minutes from the city of Piñas, you can see a chapel on the right side of the road. Continue for approximately 5 kilometers until you see a sign for Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco and Selva Alegre Spa, take the right-side road, and continue for approximately 5 kilometers until you reach the entrance to the reserve.



The Urraca Lodge is located within our Jorupe Reserve.


Driving Directions:

From the city of Macará: Head North out of the city, and shortly after take a road going East, in the direction of Sozoranga. The reserve starts in about 10 km; the entrance to the lodge is 2 km further away. If the door is closed, Alex Arellano (reserve park ranger) and his family can help, as they live close by.

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